Wednesday, March 20, 2013

added to my list of people to stalk

IK Solver in AS3:


Trig rounding errors in AS3

Maybe I just don't know my trig...
But if I do...
The difference between 1.888 and 1.253 is a HUGE rounding error.
var m:Number = Math.asin( Math.sin(1.888) );
//m = 1.253

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Iterate through quadrants

This is ridiculous:
var xo:int; //x offset.
    var yo:int; //y offset.
    var i2:int;
    var z0:int;
    var z1:int;
    var zeroMaybe:int;
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++)
     zeroMaybe = (i < 2) ? 0 : 1;
     i2 = i + 1;
     z0 = (i &  1);
     z1 = (i2 & 1);
     xo = (z0 + (-1 * z1))  * zeroMaybe;
     yo = (z1 + ( -1 * z0)) * (1-zeroMaybe);
Guess I should just put the pairs into a vector. Trying to iterate over checking 4 positions relative to a tile: UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT. By outputting the correct offset values each iteration: [0,1] [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0] in no specific order. Actually... This isn't bad for building a lookup table that is a linked-list. Same thing said another way:
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 4; i++)
    var and3:uint = i & 3; //OUTPUT: 0,1,2,3  0,1,2,3
                          //OUTPUT in BINARY:  00, 01, 10, 11
           //If we SUBTRACT the bits, we can get 0,-1,1,0. Just what we need.
    var a3  :uint = (i + 2) & 3; //same as and3, but input is shifted over two.
    //When and3 and a3 are converted to -1,1,or zero, we will have the following outputs in this order:
    // [0,1] , [-1,0], [1,0], [0,-1] ALL THE KITTY KORNERS.
    var npX:int = ((and3 & 2)>>1) - (and3 & 1); //convert number 0-3 to: 0,1,-1
    var npY:int = ((a3   & 2)>>1) - (a3   & 1); //convert number 0-3 to: 0,1,-1
    //Building linked-list table of offset quadrant values:
    cur.x = npX;
    cur.y = npY;
    if (i != 3)
     cur.hasNext = true; = new LinkedXYPair();
     cur =;
    trace("debug: [" + npX + " : " + npY + "]");

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shiny Little Plasma Flares

[ UPDATE: 2013.07.28: SWF FILE REMOVED. Have decided to keep game off internet until it is finished and copyrighted. ]

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When is SetPixel32 Faster than CopyPixels?

    //Common knowledge is SetPixel32 is slower that CopyPixels.
    //What I want to know however is... What is the equivalency ratio?
    //Does using setPixel32 100 times take the same amount of time as CopyPixels for a (100x100) (10,000 pixel area)? Or something like that?
    //If you are going to use particles that use the "setPixel32" command... We need to know.
    //Compare setting pixel32 to usingCopyPixels on ONE pixel and see the speed difference.
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
     * ...
     * @author JMIM
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        public function Main():void 
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e:Event = null):void 
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            // entry point
            for (var i:int = 1; i < 100; i++)
        public function pixelTest(inRecSize:int):void
            trace("rec size == " + inRecSize + "--------::");
            var t1:Number;
            var t2:Number;
            var tt:Number;
            var counter:int;
            var counterMax:int = 98765;
            var theBm:BitmapData = new BitmapData(500, 500, true, 0x00);
            var copyFromBm:BitmapData = new BitmapData(500, 500, true, 0x00);
            var ZZ:Point = new Point(0, 0);
            var rec1x1:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, inRecSize, inRecSize);
            var setPixelCount:int = 0;
            var setPixelTimes:int = (inRecSize * inRecSize);
            t1 = getTimer();
            counter = 0;
                if (counter > counterMax) { break; }
                setPixelCount = 0;
                do {
                    if (setPixelCount > setPixelTimes) { break;}
                    theBm.setPixel32(10, 10, 0x88FF);
                }while (true);
            }while (true);
            t2 = getTimer();
            tt = t2 - t1;
            trace("setPixel32 time:: tt==" + tt);

            t1 = getTimer();
            counter = 0;
                if (counter > counterMax) { break;}
                theBm.copyPixels(copyFromBm, rec1x1, ZZ, null, null, true);
            }while (true);
            t2 = getTimer();
            tt = t2 - t1;
            trace("copyPixels time:: tt==" + tt);
rec size == 1--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==50
copyPixels time:: tt==160
rec size == 2--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==130
copyPixels time:: tt==160
rec size == 3--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==270
copyPixels time:: tt==170
rec size == 4--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==470
copyPixels time:: tt==170
rec size == 5--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==680
copyPixels time:: tt==170
rec size == 6--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==980
copyPixels time:: tt==180
rec size == 7--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==1320
copyPixels time:: tt==170
rec size == 8--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==1730
copyPixels time:: tt==180
rec size == 9--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==2150
copyPixels time:: tt==190
rec size == 10--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==2690
copyPixels time:: tt==190
rec size == 11--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==3220
copyPixels time:: tt==190
rec size == 12--------::


//Personally interested in this one, because my tilemap uses 16x16 tiles:
rec size == 16--------::
setPixel32 time:: tt==6830
copyPixels time:: tt==210

Particle Bit Packing Math Experiment

Was wondering if I could make a more efficient particle system by packing the position, velocity, and acceleration values of the particle into a SINGLE signed integer. The thought was that access would be faster since it is all in the same variable. So far... I don't see any support for this in my research. Here is my math stuff. Note: was also packing color information. A bit more looking, looks like you may be able to get a marginal speed increase. But so marginal that, you would have to pack and unpack in a flawless manner to get that speed increase. And the obfuscation would make the system too hard to work with and edit.

        //Packs position, velocity, acceleration, and color into a SIGNED(+-) integer.
        public function putPVAC(p2047:int, v127:int, a7:int, c3A:int, c3R:int, c3G:int, c3B:int):int
            //SIZES: HEX   BITS   UINT   INT        BIN
            //pos:   FFF   12     4095   +-2047     1111 1111 1111
            //vel:   FF    8      255    +-127      1111 1111
            //acc:   F     4      15     +-7        1111
            //clr:   FF    8      255    N/A        1111 1111
            // aa:   3     2      3      3          11
            // rr:   3     2      3      3          11
            // gg:   3     2      3      3          11
            // bb:   3     2      3      3          11
            //pack in position:
            var packed:int = p2047;
            packed = packed << 8; //shifting to make room for VELOCITY.
            //pack in velocity.
            if (v127 < 0) { v127 = 127 + (0 - v127);} //handle negative numbers.
            packed = (packed | (v127 & 0xFF)) << 4; //shifting to make room for ACCELERATION.
            //pack in acceleration:
            if (a7 < 0) { a7 = 7 + (0 - a7); } //handle negative numbers.
            packed = (packed | (a7 & 0xF)) << 2; //shift to make room for first color component.
            //   42       127       212
            //0 ----- 85 ----- 170 ----- 255
            //pack in ARGB:
            if (c3A > 212) { packed = (packed | (0x3)); } else
            if (c3A > 127) { packed = (packed | (0x2)); } else
            if (c3A > 42 ) { packed = (packed | (0x1)); };
            //other wise it is zero and nothing needs to be set.
            packed = (packed  << 2); //shift to make room for SECOND color component.
            //   42       127       212
            //0 ----- 85 ----- 170 ----- 255
            //pack in ARGB:
            if (c3R > 212) { packed = (packed | (0x3)); } else
            if (c3R > 127) { packed = (packed | (0x2)); } else
            if (c3R > 42 ) { packed = (packed | (0x1)); };
            //other wise it is zero and nothing needs to be set.
            packed = (packed  << 2); //shift to make room for THIRD color component. (G)
            //   42       127       212
            //0 ----- 85 ----- 170 ----- 255
            //pack in ARGB:
            if (c3G > 212) { packed = (packed | (0x3)); } else
            if (c3G > 127) { packed = (packed | (0x2)); } else
            if (c3G > 42 ) { packed = (packed | (0x1)); };
            //other wise it is zero and nothing needs to be set.
            packed = (packed  << 2); //shift to make room for FOURTH color component. (B)
            //   42       127       212
            //0 ----- 85 ----- 170 ----- 255
            //pack in ARGB:
            if (c3B > 212) { packed = (packed | (0x3)); } else
            if (c3B > 127) { packed = (packed | (0x2)); } else
            if (c3B > 42 ) { packed = (packed | (0x1)); };
            //other wise it is zero and nothing needs to be set.
            return packed;
        public function getPVAC(com:int):void
            var acc:int;
            var vel:int;
            var pos:int;
            var clr:int;
            var color:uint;
            //                     AA     RR     GG    BB
            //                     11     11     11    11
            //extract color: //   0xC0 | 0x30 | 0xC | 0x3
            clr = com & 0xFF; //ARGB color channels.
            color =     (  ((clr & 0xC0)>>6) * 85) << 24 | 
                        (  ((clr & 0x30)>>4) * 85) << 16 | 
                        (  ((clr & 0xC )>>2) * 85) << 8  | 
                        (  ((clr & 0x3 )>>0) * 85) << 0;
            //extract acceleration.
            com = com >> 8;
            acc = com & 0xF;
            if (acc > 7) { acc = 7 - acc; }
            //extract velocity.
            com = com >> 4; // ==com >> 12 when looking at cumulatively.
            vel = com & 0xFF;
            if (vel > 127) { vel = 127 - vel; }
            //extract position:
            //This is only ONE line because the signed bit on the com integer affects this.
            pos = com >> 8; // ==com >> 20 when looking at cumulatively.
            trace("color==" + color);
            trace("pos ==" + pos);
            trace("vel ==" + vel);
            trace("acc ==" + acc);    
            //make sure color is what you think it is:
            var rgb:RGB = RGB.make(color);
            trace("a ==" + rgb.Alpha);
            trace("r ==" + rgb.Red);
            trace("g ==" + rgb.Green);
            trace("b ==" + rgb.Blue);

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


int(2147483648) marginally faster than int.minValue in AS3
    t1 = getTimer();
    counter = 0;
        if (counter > counterMax) { break;}
        someValue = int(2147483648);
    }while (true);
    t2 = getTimer();
    tt = t2 - t1;
    trace("tt==" + tt);

    t1 = getTimer();
    counter = 0;
        if (counter > counterMax) { break;}
        someValue = int.MIN_VALUE;
    }while (true);
    t2 = getTimer();
    tt = t2 - t1;
    trace("tt==" + tt);