Tuesday, November 20, 2012

constructor length problem

Article found here to solve problem via hack: http://jacksondunstan.com/articles/398

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

swap out character in middle of string

private function swapOutCharacterChunk
( //used because some numbered assets have the number in the MIDDLE of them.
    var halves:Array = baseWord.split(search);
    if (halves.length > 2) { throw new Error("replaces only ONE") };
    return ( halves[0] + replace + halves[1] );

var originalText = "GetThis#Thingy";
var newText:String = swapOutCharacterChunk(originalText, "#", "3");
trace("newText==" + newText);


//not overly useful.
//should really make your artists adhere to naming conventions than do this.

Friday, November 2, 2012

using the WITH keyword in ActionScript AS3

var retVal:stuff = new stuff();
    a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = 3;

trace("retVal.a == " + retVal.a);
trace("retVal.b == " + retVal.b);
trace("retVal.c == " + retVal.c);

internal class stuff
    public var a:int;
    public var b:int;
    public var c:int;
    public function stuff():void{}

retVal.a == 1
retVal.b == 2
retVal.c == 3
Not sure I find this useful. Saves typing, but I am not sure how I feel about debugging code written like this. Also, intellisense in flashDevelop doesn't appreciate it. Maybe I will use the with keyword... Depends on how much typing I need to save and what makes things more readable.