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3 Files in code below:
[1]: The Base Abstract Class
[2]: The Sub Class that Extends the Abstract Class
[3]: .FLA file testing it.
ABSTRACT CLASS CODE:_________________________________________________ package com.JMIM02.ABS_TestAbstract{ //Class Summary: //A test to see if I can make a TEST abstract class by simply throwing an ERROR in the constructor //Of the class that is an abstract class. Would only work if you DON'T need to call the superMethod //When using a class that extends this class. public class ABS_TestAbstract{ protected var testVar:Number = 77; public function ABS_TestAbstract() { overrideToEmpty(); }//[x] protected function overrideToEmpty():void{ throw new Error("Abstract Class Cannot be instantiated by itself"); }//[x] }//class }//package SUPERCLASS/SUBCLASS/DERIVED CLASS CODE:_______________________________ package com.JMIM02.Uses_TestAbstract{ //Class Summary: //A test class that tests if I can make a "Pseudo Abstract Class" //By making the Base-Class's constructor throw an error. //This would prevent the class from being directly instantiated. import com.JMIM02.ABS_TestAbstract.ABS_TestAbstract; public class Uses_TestAbstract extends ABS_TestAbstract { public function Uses_TestAbstract() { testVar = 333; trace("testVar===" + testVar); }//constructor //make an empty function so that you can instantiate the base-class. protected override function overrideToEmpty():void{}//[x] }//class }//package .FLA FILE TESTING CLASS:______________________________________________ import com.JMIM02.Uses_TestAbstract.Uses_TestAbstract; import com.JMIM02.ABS_TestAbstract.ABS_TestAbstract; var inst:Uses_TestAbstract = new Uses_TestAbstract(); //block of code below WILL throw error since you cannot directly instance the base-class: /* var base:ABS_TestAbstract = new ABS_TestAbstract(); */